Praha Expert - contact information

Praha Expert - contact information

It is very easy to get in touch with your friendly Praha Expert - there are several ways:


Phone and text message:

+420 776 819 223


Danish mobile phone:

+45 42 83 88 55


Postal address (this is not a shop or an office open for visitors...)

Laus Sorensen, Rumunska 1829/8, 120 00 Praha 2, Česká republika


By phone:

Please be aware that there is a big time difference between the US and Prague. If in doubt, send me a text message with your request on +420 776 819 223 or an email:

Hours of Operation

There are no fixed business hours at

I usually answer the phone between 11 am and 9 pm (GMT +1) including weekends and holidays.

Working hours are every day, including weekends and holidays (if urgent). Less urgent matters will be dealt with on weekdays and always as soon as possible.

I usually answer the phone between 11 am and 9 pm (GMT +1) including weekends and holidays.

Working hours are every day, including weekends and holidays (if urgent). Less urgent matters will be dealt with on weekdays and always as soon as possible.